More than a hundred motorcyclists show their support for this child and remind us of the importance of donating bone marrow

Alberto is a 4-year-old boy from Salamanca who suffers from Burkitt lymphoma. He will start treatment next week, but if the results are not positive, he will need a bone marrow transplant from one of his parents. And in the worst-case scenario, if that doesn’t work either, another donor would have to be found. Therefore, more than a hundred motorcyclists gathered in Plasencia to support the little boy and his family, and raise awareness about the importance of donating bone marrow.

The first of them, his own father Luis, who has arrived here on his motorcycle. The event was organized by the Rolling Custom club, but it brought together bikers from across the region.
Together they enjoyed a great atmosphere, with music and informational booths to draw attention to the importance of donating bone marrow, as well as to support those suffering from rare diseases and encourage organ donation.
And most importantly: from a distance, from his home, Alberto was able to see all the support and love that was given to him from the Plaza Mayor of Plasencia.